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Cat Breed From A To D

Cat Breed From A To D

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Abyssinian Cat
Abyssinians are highly intelligent and intensely inquisitive. They love to investigate and will leave no nook or cranny unexplored. They’re sometimes referred to as “Aby-grabbys” because they tend to take things that grab their interest. The playful Aby loves to jump and climb. Keep a variety of toys on hand to keep her occupied, including puzzle toys that challenge her intelligence.

American Curl Cat Breed
The American Bobtail is an athletic breed that looks like a bobtailed wildcat and has many dog-like tendencies.

American Curl Cat Breed
With unique ears that curl back, and an inquisitive expression reminiscent of happy surprise, the American Curl brings a smile to everyone who meets her.

American Shorthair Cat
Formerly used to keep rodents and vermin away from food stores, the American Shorthair still enjoys exercising her hunting skills on unsuspecting insects. As a smart, moderately active feline, she enjoys learning tricks and challenging her intelligence with puzzles and interactive toys.

American Wirehair Cat Breed
Intelligent and highly adaptable, the American Wirehair is an American original, with a completely unique wired coat.

Balinese-Javanese Cat Breed
The Balinese, also known as Javanese depending on coat color and pattern, is regal and aristocratic in appearance, but a curious kitten at heart.

Bengal Cat
Bengal Cats are curious and confident with the tameness of a domestic tabby and the beauty of an Asian Leopard Cat. Learn more about Bengals and their playful personality, plus information on their health and how to feed them.

Birman Cat Breed
The Birman is a cat of distinction as well as legend. With their exotic ancestry, luxurious pointed coats, “white gloved” paws and mesmerizing blue eyes, this is a breed with undeniable charisma.

Bombay Cat
The Bombay is an easy-going, yet energetic cat. She does well in quiet apartments where she’s the centre of attention as well as in lively homes with children and other pets. She’ll talk to you in a distinct voice, and you’re likely to find her in the warmest spot in your home, whether that’s in the sunlight from a window or curled up under the covers in bed with you.

British Shorthair Cat Breed
The British Shorthair is an easy going feline. She enjoys affection but isn’t needy and dislikes being carried. She’ll follow you from room to room, though, out of curiosity. British Shorthairs aren’t lap cats, but they do enjoy snuggling next to their people on the couch.

Burmese Cat
The Burmese thrives on companionship with her humans and other cats. Like her Siamese ancestors, she enjoys conversation, but has a much softer, sweeter voice.

Chartreux Cat Breed
Often called the smiling cat of France, the Chartreux has a sweet, smiling expression. This sturdy, powerful cat has a distinctive blue coat with a resilient wooly undercoat. Historically known as fine mousers with strong hunting instincts, the Chartreux enjoys toys that move. This is a slow-maturing breed that reaches adulthood in three to five years. A loving, gentle companion, the Chartreux forms a close bond with her family.

Cornish Rex Cat Breed
Bat-eared, big-eyed and wavy-coated, the Cornish Rex has a distinctive look and exceptionally silky coat due to not having guard hairs like other breeds. This active cat has a small, whippet like body and loves to climb, leap and sprint. With kitten like antics that last a lifetime, this feline likes to be where the action is. The Cornish Rex is perfect for those who want a cat to participate in their family life.

Devon Rex Cat Breed
Because of her curly coat and her tail, which wags when she is happy, the Devon Rex is sometimes called a poodle who purrs.

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